About BRIClab
BRIClab offers emerging to mid-career artists essential support and opportunities to share their work. All residents receive a $2,500 stipend, mentorship, skills-based learning and professional development, and documentation of their work. Additional support, in the form of funding, space, access to equipment and media classes, and other resources vary according to tracks. BRIClab artists will also have the opportunity to share their work through public programming that will take place in Spring and Summer 2026.
The program’s three tracks are Contemporary Art, Film + TV, and Video Art. Each track offers unique resources and opportunities designed to meet the needs of varied artistic practices.
Applications for the 2025/26 BRIClab cycle are now closed.
About the Selection Process
BRIClab prioritizes applications from disabled, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ artists as part of BRIC’s ongoing commitment towards addressing systemic inequities in creative fields and industries, and as part of BRIC’s efforts to expand access for disabled artists, audiences, and staff.
We understand disability as a spectrum, inclusive of neurodiversity, chronic illness, mental health disabilities, and invisible disabilities, as well as disabilities that affect mobility, sight, hearing, and other senses. No one will be asked to verify their disability in any way, and we understand disclosure can be a complicated and personal decision. More information about accessibility at BRIC can be found here.
BRIClab selection panels reflect BRIC’s values and artists, and will be inclusive of disabled, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ reviewers. Panels are made up of BRIC staff, alumni artists, and active participants in relevant fields. Evaluation will be based on how the goals of the proposed projects match up with resources available; relevant work samples; and the creation of diverse and representative cohorts. Artists will receive final word from BRIC by the end of July 2024.

Do you have additional questions about BRIClab? Below are BRIC staff members who can provide up-to-date information:
- Contemporary Art: Maria McCarthy at [email protected]
- Video Art: Skyelar MacLeod at smacleod@
bricartsmedia.org - Film & TV: Charlie Hoxie at [email protected]
Due to economic constraints felt across the arts & culture sector, we’ve made the difficult decision to pause the Performing Arts track. This decision was not made lightly, and BRIC remains committed to supporting the lifecycle of artists within the performing arts community. We hope to resume the BRIClab Performing Arts residency at a future date.
Additional Support
General Support
Bloomberg Philanthropies
M&T Charitable Foundation
Scherman Foundation
Tiger Baron Foundation
Along with numerous individuals
Public Support
New York State Council on the Arts with support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the New York City Council