BRIClab Contemporary Art Residency

briclab CA page photo
Pictured above: 2022/2023 BRIClab Contemporary Art resident Madjeen Isaac. Photo credit: Toby Tenenbaum

BRIClab: Contemporary Art is an interdisciplinary, community-oriented residency program that provides emerging and early-career artists with studio space and professional support to develop and advance their practice.

Artist applications are received through an open call and reviewed by BRIC staff members, BRIClab: Contemporary Art alumni, and art professionals. Five artists will be selected for the 2025-26 BRIClab: Contemporary Art cohort.

Applications for the 2025/26 BRIClab cycle are now closed. 



Pictured above: 2022/23 BRIClab Contemporary Art Resident Banyi Huang. Photo credit: Toby Tenenbaum



We offer each resident:

  • 24/7 access to a free, semi-private 150-square foot studio space on the Mezzanine level at 20 Jay Street in DUMBO from August 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.
    • Each studio has a worktable and chair, three walls (including load-bearing walls and eight-foot partition walls), and overhead fluorescent lighting. Two of the five studios have large, operable windows with natural light. 
    • The building has a wheelchair-accessible street-level entrance. The building amenities and studios are accessible by one (1) street-level passenger elevator, three (3) passenger elevators, and one (1) freight elevator.
    • Communal resources and amenities include:
      • Electricity
      • Heat and air conditioning
      • Wi-Fi
      • Kitchenette with microwave, mini fridge, water filter, and electric kettle
      • Wheelchair-accessible, multi-stall, men’s and women’s restrooms on each floor
      • Hallway slop sinks
      • Conference Rooms
      • Roof Deck
      • Mother’s Room
      • Bike Storage
      • Mail Room
      • Freight Elevator
      • Loading Dock
  • A $2,500 stipend.
  • A peer advisor chosen by the resident to support the development of their work.
  • Studio visits with BRIC curatorial staff, leading curators, scholars, and practitioners, and artists in neighboring residency programs.
  • Opportunities to participate in regularly scheduled (at least once monthly) cohort gatherings and workshops tailored to the cohort’s interests and needs.
  • An Open Studios event.
  • Photographic documentation of work completed during the residency.



We are interested in:

  • Emerging and early-career* artists, artist collectives, and collaboratives based in New York City, 18 years or older, who are enthusiastic about:
    • Developing work that expands their practice in a new and compelling way
    • Building community within the cohort by actively participating in regular (at least once monthly) cohort gatherings and workshops tailored to the cohort’s interests and needs.
    • Hosting regular (at least once monthly) studio visits with BRIC curatorial staff, leading curators, scholars, and practitioners, and artists in neighboring residency programs.
    • Cultivating a relationship with a peer advisor who will offer support and feedback on the resident’s works-in-progress and larger practice.
    • Sharing work with the public during our two-day Open Studios event in Spring 2026.
    • Preparing finalized work for documentation at the end of the residency.
    • Joining our network of BRIClab artists and alumni working across Contemporary Art, Video Art, Film & TV, and Performing Arts.

We cannot consider applications from:

  • Artists who are enrolled in a degree-granting program during the residency period (August 2025-June 2026).
  • Former BRIClab: Contemporary Art residents and/or BRICworkspace residents.

*Emerging and early-career artists may be recent graduates of BFA or MFA programs; may have been featured in solo or group shows at lesser-known art spaces; and/or received some press recognition. Emerging and early-career artists have not had solo exhibitions at well-known institutions, nor have they received consistent press or production opportunities.



BRIC is committed to access and equity for all.

Accessing the Studios

  • The studios are located on the Mezzanine level at 20 Jay Street. The building has a wheelchair-accessible street-level entrance. The building amenities and studios are accessible by one (1) street-level passenger elevator, three (3) passenger elevators, and one (1) freight elevator.
  • Accessible Modes of Transportation to 20 Jay Street:
    • Access-a-ride  |  Uber  |  Lyft
    • Accessible Subway Stations
      • Borough Hall 2, 3; 4, 5 Manhattan-bound and The Bronx-bound only
      • Elevator in front of Supreme Court Building at Court St. 
      • Bus connections: B25, B26, B38, B41, B45, B52, B61, B un 65 and B103 (westbound only).
    • Bus
      • B25, B62, B67, B69
  • Residents will have the opportunity to draft a Cohort Community Agreement to share, discuss, and address access needs and requests concerning communal spaces, hosting guests, COVID-19, and more.

Accessing Events and Programs

  • Participation in cohort events and programs (including but not limited to gatherings, workshops, studio visits, and Open Studios) is required. Cohort events and programs will primarily take place in-person at the BRIClab studios with the option (where possible) to join virtually via Google Meet or Zoom. Virtual options for off-site events (taking place outside of the BRIClab studios) may be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

Accessing the Application and Other Questions

  • For questions about access, accommodations, or submitting your application, please contact Ariella Heise, [email protected]
  • PDF version of application available upon request.



BRIClab prioritizes applications from disabled, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ artists as part of BRIC’s ongoing commitment towards addressing systemic inequities in creative fields and industries, and as part of our effort to expand access for disabled artists, audiences, and staff. We interpret disability broadly and include neurodiversity, chronic illness, mental health disabilities, and invisible disabilities, as well as disabilities that affect mobility, sight, and hearing. No one will be asked to verify their disability in any way.

BRIClab review panels reflect BRIC’s values and artists, and will be inclusive of disabled, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ reviewers. Panels are made up of BRIC staff, BRIClab alumni, and active participants in relevant fields. 

Strong applications demonstrate clarity and thoughtfulness in the proposed project, excellent work samples, and a commitment to learning, growing, and connecting with the residency cohort.

All applicants will receive notification by June 30, 2025.




Ibtisam Tasnim Zaman

Johan Orellana

Mae Howard

Stephanie Santana



David Onabanjo


Alex Dolores Salerno

Chinese Artists and Organizers Collective

Cinthya Santos Briones

Pelenakeke Brown

Steven Anthony Johnson II


Banyi Huang

Ezra Benus

Jenny Polak

Madjeen Isaac

Naima Green


Bahareh Khoshooee

Golnar Adili

Johannah Herr

Nyugen Smith

Sophia-Yemisi Adeyemo

Major Support

TD Bank Group-The 2022 TD Ready Challenge awards -10 million to

Additional Support

Public Support

The Institute of Museum and Library Services

The National Endowment for the Arts

The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

Assemblymember Robert Carroll

State Senator Roxanne Persaud

The New York City Council

Private Funding

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Con Edison

The Doris Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The Harold and Colene Brown Family Foundation

The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation

Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation

M&T Charitable Foundation

The Robert Lehman Foundation

The Scherman Foundation

The Shubert Organization

Tiger Baron Foundation

Numerous Individuals