BRIClab Video Art Residency


The BRIClab: Video Art is a year-long residency through BRIC’s Media Education and Contemporary Art Departments to support the creation of a video or film short or a longer work-in-progress.

Applications are received through an open call and chosen by a panel of artist alumni and BRIClab program managers. We will award 6 residencies for the 2025-26 cycle.

Applications for the 2025/26 BRIClab cycle are now closed.


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Photo credit: Toby Tenenbaum



  • Free courses at BRIC House through BRIC’s Media Education program and access toequipment.
  • 80 hours of access to BRIC’s community media studios and editing suites.
  • A stipend of $2500. 
  • 20 hours of one-on-one production support.
  • A peer or artistic advisor chosen by the artist with relevance to your project.
  • Consultations with BRIC curatorial staff and past residents.
  • A public screening of your work upon completion of the program.
  • A collaborative cohort with community-building opportunities, group critiques, access to BRIC networking opportunities, and workshops tailored to the cohort’s interests and needs.



You must be:

  • A New York City based creative, 18 years of age or older. 
  • Willing to become a certified community producer, and enroll in at least three classes.
  • Willing to present work and participate in the final screening event in Fall 2026.
  • Not currently enrolled in an educational institution.
  • Not a previous BRIClab: Video Art resident or BRIC Media Arts Fellow.
  • Not proposing a marketing, commercial, or purely journalistic project.

We are interested in:

  • Artists with a strong desire to explore and grow in using video & audio as distinct mediums, or part of an interdisciplinary approach. 
  • Artists that have a solid plan of work. 
  • Artists that want to participate in the Community Media center and contribute work to the Free Speech Channel past the residency.
  • The relevancy of your work to a diverse Brooklyn audience.
  • Residency goals that align with our facilities and technical resources.
  • Work that reflects thoughtful, creative, and/or innovative processes.



BRIC is committed to access and equity for all.

  • Community Media Center Accessibility: The Community Media Center is housed within BRIC House at 647 Fulton St, and has an accessible entrance on Rockwell Place. The Community Media Center television studios, equipment checkout, and media lab are located on the second floor and are accessible by an elevator. There is an accessible restroom on the same level. 
  •  Accessible Modes of Transportation to 647 Fulton St.:
    • Access-a-ride  |  Uber  |  Lyft
    • Accessible Subway Stations
      • DeKalb Av B/Q/R
        • Elevator on SE corner of Dekalb Ave and Flatbush Ave.
    • Bus
      • B25, B52, B26, B38 to Fulton Street and Ashland Place
  • Application Accessibility: If you need assistance accessing any part of this application please contact Skyelar MacLeod at [email protected].
  • PDF version of application available upon request.




BRIClab is prioritizing applications from disabled, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ artists, as part of BRIC’s ongoing commitment towards addressing systemic inequities in creative fields and industries, and as part of efforts to expand access for disabled artists, audiences, and staff, We interpret disability broadly and include neurodiversity, chronic illness, mental health disabilities, and invisible disabilities, as well as disabilities that affect mobility, sight and hearing. No one will be asked to verify their disability in any way, and we understand disclosure can be a complicated and personal decision.

BRIClab review panels reflect BRIC’s values and artists, and will be inclusive of disabled, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ reviewers. Panels are made up of BRIC staff, alumni artists, and active participants in relevant fields. Evaluation will be based on how the goals of the proposed projects match up with resources available; relevant work samples; and the creation of diverse and representative cohorts. Artists will receive final word from BRIC by late June, 2025.

Major Support

TD Bank Group-The 2022 TD Ready Challenge awards -10 million to

Additional Support

Public Support

The Institute of Museum and Library Services

The National Endowment for the Arts

The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

Assemblymember Robert Carroll

State Senator Roxanne Persaud

The New York City Council

Private Funding

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Con Edison

The Doris Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The Harold and Colene Brown Family Foundation

The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation

Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation

M&T Charitable Foundation

The Robert Lehman Foundation

The Scherman Foundation

The Shubert Organization

Tiger Baron Foundation

Numerous Individuals