Leon Taylor began his 21-year public access career in December of 2002, driven by a passion for being part of a media organization that purposefully impacts people in a positive way. His journey in public access started at BCAT, which then became BRIC, Brooklyn’s public access television station. Starting as a Traffic Assistant, Leon went on to serve the Brooklyn community in various roles, including Program Coordinator, Senior Liaison for Community Producers, and Manager of Community Producer Services. During his 15 years at BRIC, Leon worked to ensure that community members were valued, had the support they needed, and were celebrated in their use of the community media services provided at BRIC. One of the most notable initiatives enacted by Leon was the “B Scene” screening series, the first public screening series featuring work produced at BRIC by public access producers. “B Scene” highlighted LGBTQ producers, women in media, African American filmmakers, and other members of the diverse community creating content at BRIC.
In 2018, Leon left BRIC to join Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) as the Manager of Production and Facilitation. In this position, Leon was responsible for scheduling production spaces and MNN production personnel to ensure that community media makers were supported and successful in creating media. During New York City’s COVID lockdown, Leon established “create from home” media experiences for MNN producers, keeping them producing media and innovatively involving his staff in engaging with the community in productive ways during this difficult period. This included staff-produced short videos focused on community media makers, highlighting their journey as MNN community producers, and interviews documenting their experiences during COVID. These initiatives kept MNN community producers engaged in production and created content that was uniquely local, diverse, and reflective of the value of public access in the media landscape.
In September 2023, Leon returned to BRIC as the Director of Community Media. In this short time, Leon has worked with the BRIC team to begin designing BRIC’s Community Media Future. Since September, BRIC’s Community Media team has restructured classes to provide community users with faster access to media resources and begun evaluating upgrades for equipment and platforms for content distribution.
Leon has always been uniquely focused on community service. This dedication stems from two key experiences. The first is the respect and dedication shown to him by a teacher who diagnosed him with dyslexia in grade school. Leon has always “paid forward” that kindness in how he treats every community member he has encountered at a public access station. The second is his background from a community that is often in the media but has traditionally had very little access to media education and production tools. Leon works in public access to provide all communities with a media space that can make a difference, empowering people who don’t traditionally have a voice in media.