
Opening Reception: Corpus: Bodies of Data Exhibition by Data Through Design

 6:30 to 8:30 PM ET

Event Info

Data Through Design is pleased to announce the opening of Corpus: Bodies of Data, a public exhibition of ten data-driven, interdisciplinary art projects presented in partnership with BRIC.

We invite you to join us for the opening reception on Friday, March 21 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Please RSVP for a (free) ticket.

About the Exhibition: Corpus: Bodies of Data

Corpus: Bodies of Data is the 2025 exhibition of Data Through Design (DxD), an annual data art exhibition featuring works that creatively analyze, interpret, and interrogate data made available in NYC’s Open Data Portal. This exhibition is presented by DxD in partnership with BRIC and is on display at BRIC House from March 22 through April 6, 2025, from 12pm – 7pm daily

”Corpus” carries multiple meanings. A corpus might be a body of work, knowledge, literature, or language – the embodiment of activity, values, or beliefs. Corpus can also mean a physical body, an aggregation of organisms, a group of elements or people, or the corporeal substance of a thing.  

This year, DxD asked artists to think about the concept of a corpus, or body of data, that can be physical or ephemeral. We imagine a dataset as a body of knowledge that indexes people in a community, events in a timeline, or observations in an area. But datasets are also representations of our bodies and the corpora of living things; collections of individuals, bodies of water, natural and human-made systems, the collectivity of the city. How are these bodies of knowledge born, how do they age, grow, and go through cycles – who animates them and do they expire? And, if we look closely enough, can we discern the shapes of individuals within these collectives? For DxD’s 2025 exhibition, we encouraged participating artists to consider “corpus” through its multiple meanings, such as a body, a dataset, a community, or an organism.

DxD 2025 Artists + Projects:

    • Elias Bennett, Simon Lesina-Debiasi: Final Inch: Mustard, Data, Sauerkraut  
    • Mauricio Delfin: The Timelines Project
    • HK Dunston, Jill Sigman, Abigail Regner, Mariya Chekmarova: Breath Atlas
    • Michelle Hui: Aging Out of Place: Chinatown Elderly
    • Alison Long, Cass Yao, Keyarow Mosley: Body of Waste
    • Matías Piña, Arden Schager: Hyperphagia
    • Natch Quinn: The Entirety of NYC Land
    • Nishra Ranpura: Tapestreet: The Fabric of NYC
    • Aida Razavilar, Paul Hanna: Tower of Babel: Bodies of Language in Lexicon
    • Jessica Reisch: Marsh Temporalities


Corpus: Bodies of Data is organized and curated by the Data Through Design team: Julia Bloom, Tereza Chanaki, Rachel Daniell, Jack Darcey, Sara Eichner, Jen Ray, Justin Roberts, and Can Sucuoğlu.


About Data through Design and the Artists


Data Through Design


Alison Long, Cass Yao, & Keyarow Mosley


Natch Quinn


Nishra Ranpura


Jessica Reisch

NYSCA Logo – Green (1)

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