06.20.15 - 08.10.15

Dave Rittinger: Brain Storm


Exhibition Info

Opening Reception: July 8, 7-9pm

Dave Rittinger is a Brooklyn-based artist and designer whose work embodies a sense of humor along with a dueling spirit of critique and optimism. Through quirky visual puns he makes work that reappropriates industrial and pop culture-related materials (everything from G.I. Joe figurines to extension cords). Rittinger fascinates and delights while drawing attention to ideas of branding and the relationship of objects to their environment.

Brain Storm, Rittinger’s solo exhibition on view in the main hallway of BRIC House opposite the Ballroom, is a salon-style display of his vast range of work and ideas. Approximately 30 works of art, in a wide variety of media from photographic prints to illuminated wall sculptures, will give visitors the feeling they have wandered into something between a cabinet of curiosities and a magical studio space. The exhibition came about as the result of Rittinger being the “Best In Show” winner of BRIC’s OPEN (C)ALL: The Artist’s Studio exhibition which took place in January 2015.

Dave Rittinger has a background in both fine art and architecture. He studied architecture at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. His work has been exhibited in shows at Ascent Contemporary Projects, New York; Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn; the DUMBO Arts Festival, Brooklyn; Recession Art Gallery, The Invisible Dog Art Center, and Rabbit Hole Gallery, all in Brooklyn and the Center for Architecture, New York. Rittinger’s work was also included in BRIC’s OPEN (C)ALL: The Artist’s Studio exhibition, where his piece was awarded “Best In Show.” His work has been featured in publications such as Surface Magazine and DesignBoom.com.

BRIC Hallway Commissions provide space for visual artists to create installations, frequently in dialogue with exhibitions on view in the Gallery.