09.03.19 - 01.26.20

Gail Biederman: The Feel of a Place


Exhibition Info



ON VIEW: Sep 3 – Jan 26, 2020

OPENING RECEPTION: Sep 12, 2018 | 7-9PM

Curated by Jenny Gerow

Gail Biederman is a New York-based artist who maps urban landscapes and explores the emotive and abstract qualities of movement through the metropolitan environment. The artist has created The Feel of a Place using a wide range of materials from yarn and cord to felt and nails; each element is tailored and arranged to evoke different aspects of Brooklyn’s waterfront landscape. Parts of the installation read as a straightforward map with winding lines of colored cord mimicking subway lines and taut intersections of yarn delineating the street grid. Other elements, however, like the depiction of the waterfront are more abstracted. Biederman suggests the piers with a thick brown industrial felt, representing this historically industrial landscape with an exaggerated reach into the harbor; confusing the difference between land and water. Viewers may also notice the contrast between North and South Brooklyn in the relative density of their infrastructure and transportation grids. Biederman’s juxtaposition of tactile materials and abstracted forms highlights how the city is perceived through both embodied experience and schematic conception.

Gail Biederman is a 2018-19 recipient of the ArtFP, an open call for Brooklyn-based visual artists to exhibit at BRIC House.

Gail Biederman is a New York-based artist interested in mapping urban landscapes and exploring different materials. Biederman has held solo exhibitions at Wave Hill, NY; and Artspace, New Haven, CT among others. She was included in group exhibitions at BRIC and Smack Mellon, both Brooklyn; and White Plains, Lower East Side Printshop, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, and Exit Art, all NY. She has been an artist-in-residence at SPACE on Ryder Farm, LMCC Swing Space, and Lower East Side Printshop, and was selected for Hot Picks from Smack Mellon.