Exhibition Info
When viewed from the streets below, artist Jan Stallerthought The High Line resembled a gigantic Habitrail® for people. And the color flashes of pedestrians’ clothing that could be seen through the iron balustrade called to his mind an animated Mondrian. Deciding to make a video of this view, Staller framed the camera in a rigorous formal alignment to The High Line’s grill work and then ran the camera. Later the footage was edited. Through the lattice, glimpses of humankind can be seen perambulating. What began as a study of an architectural detail ended up as an investigation of human typology and locomotion as all manner of pedestrians flash by. Music is Seeperbold by Stereolab.
While exhibitions are under installation, BRIC House closes its gallery “garage” doors and uses them as screens for this video series. The series highlights contemporary video artists in either single- or three channel projections that are looped from 10am-6pm and can be enjoyed while sitting on the BRIC Stoop and cafe.