10.03.13 - 12.16.13

Housewarming: Notions of Home from the Center of the Universe


Exhibition Info

  • Gallery at BRIC House
This inaugural exhibition at BRIC House was a celebratory “housewarming” of the new gallery, as well as an exploration of notions of home from broad vantage points. Curated by Elizabeth Ferrer, BRIC’s Director of Contemporary Art, the exhibition featured the work of 12 Brooklyn-based artists who work in varied scale and with varied artistic media, exploring the idea of “home” as a flexible, variable concept revealed in a myriad of ways, and influenced by an individual’s history and personal accumulation of places. At its most intimate, home is literally where the heart is; it is the memories and feeling of intimacy we each carry of our own, individual sense of home. It also refers to the domestic sphere, the places we live, the things that surround us, the material objects that become physical markers of home. On the social sphere, home is our neighborhood, the urban and social fabric. In the broadest, universal and most poetic sense, home is the cosmos and the sphere of the unknowable. Several of the works in the show have been commissioned especially for BRIC House.

Artists include: Njideka Akunyili, Sonya Blesofsky, Margaret Reid Boyer, Drew Hamilton, Katarina Jerinic & Chad Stayrook, Esperanza Mayobre, Abraham McNally, Garry Nichols, Keisha Scarville, Vargas-Suarez Universal, and Nathan Wasserbauer.