11.16.17 - 12.25.17

Leigh Davis: Inquiry Into the ELE (work-in-progress)


Exhibition Info

Tue - Sat, 10am-6pm; Sat, 12-6pm; Closed Mondays
  • Project Room at BRIC House

OPENING RECEPTION: November 15, 2017

ON VIEW: November 16 – December 24, 2017

CURATED BY: Jenny Gerow, Assistant Curator

Intrigued by the complicated relationship people have with death and grief, Leigh Davisexplores the moments directly proceeding, during, or right after someone loses a loved one. Working in a variety of media, Davis creates an archive of End-of-Life Experiences (or ELEs), which can be described as any sort of deathbed coincidence, premonition, change in atmosphere, or peculiar vision. Through interactions with funeral directors, hospice nurses, religious leaders, and people of all spiritual backgrounds, Davis has accumulated an assemblage of images and oral and written accounts that bridge the mystical gap between the earthly realm and that of the spiritual.

Leigh Davis has created performances and/or events for the Morbid Anatomy Museum, Brooklyn; and Dixon Place and Hunter East Harlem Gallery, both NY. Her work has also been featured at the Maryland Institute of Contemporary Art, Baltimore. She is the recipient of numerous awards and grants, including those from The Pollination Project, the New York Department of Cultural Affairs, and the Maryland Institute of Contemporary Art. She holds a BFA in Photography from Savannah College of Art and Design, GA, and a MFA from Concordia University, Montreal.