Exhibition Info
EXHIBITION ON VIEW: November 16 – December 17
We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.
~ Pablo Picasso
We live in an era when truth is under assault. In a time of alternative truths and truthiness, we ask that you show us your truth. What is real and true for you? The work exhibited explores the current political climate and social issues, interior realities, and truth within the spiritual and psychological dimensions of life.
BRIC’s open call exhibitions—presented every other year in the Gallery of BRIC House—features the work of over 125 artists and are open to all members of the BRIC Contemporary Artist Registry. BRIC’s Registry is free and open to artists who were born, live, or work in Brooklyn.
This year’s open call exhibition features a satellite installation by Graham Caldwell in the lobby of 33 Bond Street, a property of TF Cornerstone.
Angelik | Amado Alda | Shenelle Ammon | Audrey Anastasi | Diego Anaya | Audree Anid | Louisa Armbrust | Tatiana Arocha | Mildred Beltre | Eliot Bemis | Kit Boyce | Tracey Boyce | Marcia Bricker Halperin | Sarah E. Brook | Mitsuko Brooks | Andrea Burgay | Jennifer Cacciola | Graham Caldwell | Johnny Camacho | Jessica Cannon | Pamela Casper | Chika | Christina Cioffari | Lorna Clark | Amz Collado | Joseph F. Cook | Azlynn Cornish | Jason Covert | Charles Crowell | James Cullinane | N&D | Robert Dandarov | Melissa Eder | Alicia Ehni | Georgia Elrod | Loren Erdrich | Eliza Evans | Kate Fauvell | Celeste Fichter | Dan Ford | Ryan Frank | Linda Gallop | Iliana Emilia Garcia | Lamerol Gatewood | Micheline Gingras | Robin Glassman | Nancy Glover | Carmella Gullo | Yasmin Gur | Dalit Gurevich | Bernard Hallstein | Jon Henry | Musa Hixson | Reineke Hollander | George Horner | Jim Petrozzello & Oneika Phillips | Sue Julien | Julia Justo | Shushanik Karapetyan | Laura Karetzky | Ilisa Katz Rissman | Suzanne Kiggins | Sky Kim | Yongjae Kim | Karen Lederer | Niki Lederer | Rita Leduc | Diana Leidel | Elissa Levy | Barton Lewis | Jo-El Lopez | Patrice Lorenz | Jamie Lubetkin | Cara Lynch | Darcy Lynn | Katrina Majkut | Virginia Maksymowicz | Leopold Masterson | Bill Mazza | Holli McEntegart | Russell Mehlman | Spencer Merolla | Holly Miller | Jamie Mirabella | Kate Missett | Irene Mohedano | Kellyann Monaghan | Carolyn Monastra | Mary Ann Monforton | Mario Moore | Justin Mugits | Julie Ann Nagle | Hao Ni | Seamus O’Brien | Dara Oshin | GOG: A Duo (Chris Gordon Owen & Ellen Grossman) | Seema Pandya | Taezoo Park | Helena Parriott | Quimetta Perle | Steven Pestana | Esther Podemski | Howard Ptaszek | Elizabeth Riley | Anna Rindos | Brendan Roche | Jorge Rodriguez | Lily Rossebo | Farideh Sakhaeifar | Dick Schlefer | Yesuk Seo | Stephanie Serpick | Jill Sigman | Justin Sterling | Colin Strohm | Sara Sun | Matthew Taylor | Katherine Toukhy | Bradly Treadaway | Joshua Walters | Poyen Wang | Larry Weekes | Marlene Weisman | Marcia Wilson | Jeremy Wolf | Travis Wood | Mie Yim
Exhibition sponsored by TF Cornerstone